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Electric Immersion Vibrator

Electric immersion vibrators are generally lighter, quieter and easier to use than conventional flex shaft vibrators. However, they do need to be powered by a reliable and stable supply of electricity. Electric immersion vibrators typically produce high-frequency vibrations operating at around 12,000 vpm. This makes them perfect for high-detail work, e.g. working with textured forms and form liners. The high frequency vibrates even the smallest particles ensuring the concrete is vibrated into every detail. However, this type of vibration is not desired when performing standard off-form formwork, they’ll simply highlight every join and imperfection in your formwork. That’s why we introduced the Minnich range of electric vibrators. They operate at between 6000-10,500VPM and provide exceptional consolidation of the concrete without highlighting joints and imperfections. For more information, see our blog on concrete consolidation.

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