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Trowel Machines

Whether you call it a power trowel, trowel machine, helicopter or chopper; trowel machines have been used for decades to trowel and finish large areas of concrete. In fact, the first patent for a cement finishing apparatus was filed in the US as early as September 1965. Since then, trowel machines have been developed and adapted to perform a wide range of tasks; from edging trowel machines for finishing right up close to a wall, to large ride-on trowel machines for finishing large areas of concrete. At Allcon, we won’t just sell you any brand. We stock and service a select range of brands and machines that we trust and that pass our stringent standards. These brands include Allen, Forza, Husqvarna and MBW. We’ve used our vast collection of industry experience to give these machines the tick of approval so all you have to do is select the machine that suits your needs. If you want to find out which machine is right for you, head over to our trowel machine blog where you can find all the things to consider when purchasing a trowel machine.

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